Hereafter some examples of my job in projecting and building custom automated machines. I did such a kind of job during second half of my professional career:

Manicomp: robot based system to remotely handle dangerous materials. This advanced system was built around 1990 using two modified antropomorphous robots (one active as handler and one passive as driver). The two robots were connected together through an "electronic gear" based on microcomputers with special firmware that provide a supervision control on the operator movements.

Mani3: semiautomatic system composed by two different machines projected to handle and open military ammunition containers with a total level of security for the operators. The system is custom fitted in a special room and use two special machines and a standard cartesian robot. Operators drive the system from remote in a armoured room using TVCC and high level commands on a computer.


Opening a container

Opening a container

 Detonator extraction

 Imagine not available
Inseritrice: inserisce e ribadisce pin di 10x0.8 mm e varie forme, prelevati da un contenitore alla rinfusa, in circuiti stampati speciali, correggendo automaticamente gli errori di foratura e di scontornatura della scheda.

SteerTester: automatic system build for car steering-wheels. Actually used for testing of elements of a 2001 model year main car produced by a very important company. During latest years I also trimmed up some other similar systems for the same customer. (TRW)


Saldatrice: custom robot projected to automatic soldering of big energy line capacitors. The productivity of that company growed up to 5 times using this device. (ABB Trafo)

 Imagine not available

Ingranditore Fotografico Computerizzato (Computer controlled Photographic Enlarger): Showed at the TV in the '90 years by a very popular photographer woman was build for professional users. It can handle any size negatives and has many automatic functions: lens change, focusing, image control etc.

Asco2: car suspensions (air springs) control system. It was projected for the maximun cost saving and use an air compressor also to keep constant the distance from the earth in high value cars. (Pirelli PAI)