from 2001 :
Professional freelance
Consultant for projecting, technical specifications writing, technical department reorg.
Among other customers: Bombardier Italia (railway signalling systems under CENELEC rules), Cibred Sud (radar accessories), Carpem (robot designing)


from 1987 to 2001:
Technical director of STEIN srl company that designed electronic and electromachanic systems for industrial automation, line quality control systems using artificial vision, automatic equipments based on antropomorphous and cartesian robots and subassemblies.
Primary jobs: indentifying specifications together with customer; system designing, projecting and building group direction; installation group direction.

from 1984 to 1986:
Director and partner of AMCLab company involved into developing of civil and industrial electronic systems and line quality control systems based upon a mix of sensors.
Primary jobs: specifications of equipments under customer's needs; system designing, equipment projecting

Employer at FACE Teleinformatica (an ITT telecommunication company).
Primary job: system designer for development of a new product (the first PABX private switching box using digital PCM technology) directly responding to division chief executive

Employer at Caproni Sud company involved into developing of avionic test systems and other electronic civil equipments.
Primary job: system designer/project engineer for developing of new products

1981 - 1982:
Employer at CITEC SpA, a company involved into development of test equipments for public phone switching and other civil electronic systems.
Primary job: system designer/project engineer and technical assistant to the commercial director.

from 1978 to 1981:
Freelance consultant as project engineer for some companies involved into security field, among which Elkron (Torino), a europena wide firm. During this time I designed and built first Italian microprocessor based supervisor systems for vey important customers, public and private.




After the "Maturità Scientifica" got at the Scientific Lyceum "Istituto Massimiliano Massimo" of "Gesuiti" in Rome, I got a degree (similar to USA Master) in Electronic Engineer, with a specialization in computer science, in the far 1980 writing an experimental thesis titled: "Projecting and building of a microcomputer for administration purposes" during which I built a working prototype, with Floppy disk and video interface, small disk file manager, and a simple demo text editor program.

Certified skills:

Teaching permission for information technology and systems at technical high schools got at a public contest in 1985.
Permission for job direction (registered at Italian Commerce Institution) for electrical plants BT, data transmission networks, telecommunications networks under regulation of n. 46/90 law.
Permission for projecting of electrical distribution racks at the end of a special course at BTicino international company.
Skill for projecting of medium size LANs at 3Com company.

I live and work in the area named "Castelli Romani", very close to Rome, Italy
